So….on the last post when I said, “To be continued…later this afternoon”, I meant in a month. So in that case I’m early. :) Seriously, sorry for the delay.
Too many stories to tell. Ok, so Catja came out of retirement and we had some short lived fun. First, I wasted some time earning Darnassus Reputation for my Saber mount. To many people this may have seemed foolish, but for me…a girl…this particular was essential and I have no regrets.
Ummm…what else? We respeced frost and hit 50. I like frost a lot. I think it’s exactly what I expected. Less dps, more survivability. I had enough talent points to get “Ice Barrier”. This is key. Basically I kept it on at all times and it’s much easier to take on 1, 2, or even 3 mobs at a time. And the mana conservation is great. However, for whatever reason I just can’t stick with that character. So she’s back in “storage”.
And then the other alts…
Ellektra – Level 13 human warlock.
DorisMoloris – Level 10 gnome warrior.
Eirwyn – Level 21 blood elf warlock.
Antigoni – Level 13 blood elf hunter. (yay hunters!)
Kaielyn – Level 8 night elf hunter. (yay more hunters!)
Ummm…I know there’s more.
Malifecent – Level 6 undead rogue.
/* Edit - Her name is not's Desdemona. Apparently I haven't played her enough to remember her name. :) */
And then the diamond in the rough….
Cataryna – Level 25 night elf priest.
She is actually the second character I ever created. I think the priest class was hard for me to play back then because I didn’t understand how to play Wow in general. Now that I understand some of the strategies and whatnot this character has jumped almost to the top of my favorites list, second to Cerwyn of course.
I’m specing her Shadow for right now.
Is it time to go home yet? I wish you all a happy Wow playing weekend. :)