Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The big boom.


Yep that's right. Me. 70. Finally. 70.

Did I mention 70 and me?

Anyways, I had great aspirations to grab a screen shot of the big moment. I even practiced and got my technique down to a science. Send in the pet > start firing > alt Z > pivot camera > ready. When I grabbed the shot it had all the big flashing lights....but in reality I got the frame after the big flashing lights. I was pissed for a minute and then I remember I'm 70. :)

And then there's my new traveling buddy.

So what now? Funding for an Epic Flying? Instances? Building rep? Suggestions?


Pike said...


I had the same problem; I was waiting and waiting for the 70-ding-screenshot and then it lagged right when I hit the Print Screen button and I failed to nab it. Fortunately my boyfriend got a decent shot.

Chris Connelley said...

Grats, LBK. =) Borrow, beg and steal for an Epic. It makes all the rest of that so much more fun. Just intersperse the other activities through making that your goal.

Anonymous said...


You should decide fairly quickly whether you want to scrape up the 5000g for epic flight. Why?

The easiest way to get the gold is to level to 70 *without* questing. And then go around and do all the quests. But it does make leveling go rather slower. And you don't get the gear upgrades from the quest rewards.

So what would you do instead? Grind rep by running instances...

Anonymous said...
