Friday, September 21, 2007

Foolish little salesman.

It was a sunny afternoon at Northshire Abbey the day I started my first Wow character. Catja - human mage was running around killing wolves like nobody's business. "2 copper and a piece of linen cloth...sweet! I'll be a millionaire in no time." Does anybody else remember this? You're brand new to the World of Warcraft and you're broke as a joke...and you have no idea.

It didn't hit me until I took my first venture into Stormwind. "Hot Child in the City" is playing in my head. Remember walking through the Valley of Heroes past those huge statues? "That's gonna be me!" I thought to myself as I gazed up at the night-elf hunter with a hawk on her arm. Hold on, hold on. Is that even what she is? Ok, I'm back from my research. Captain Alleria Windrunner - high-elf (blood-elf) ranger (closest playable character is a marksmanship hunter). I'm so far of track.

Money...I needed money to make all of my dreams come true. I turned to the rare recipe resell black market. I don't really want to get into the ethics of it...but at the time it helped me get my character established. I don't, however, do it anymore as it isn't worth my time...farming seems to be paying the bills.

Back to the point. During my recipe collecting travels I frequently picked up one for the Accurate Scope. What's a scope? Didn't know, didn't care. Last night I bought my first scope. Fantastic. Huge increase in dps for a ranged weapon. I should have bought one 48 levels ago, but I had no idea they were an option.

Hmmmm...what point am I trying to make?

Present day Cerwyn would kick past day Catja in the behind for not taking two seconds to read the description on the recipe (not that she could have used it without being an engineer...but at least she would have known they existed).

And scopes rule.


Pike said...

Sometimes I think back on the silly newbie mistakes I made when I was first starting out... and then I get all embarrassed, because some of those mistakes were just plain bad... but I guess we had to start somewhere!

Anonymous said...

LBK - cool blog - I agree I really messed up as a noob once - I rolled on something that I shouldn't have - I felt horrible and apologized profusely - and learned what to do now.

Unknown said...

To me, the rare recipe market is like any other real-world market or commodity. The people who sell these recipes are simply participating in VAR, value-added resale. They take the trouble to go to these far away remote locations and buy the recipes to put in the AH. It's hardly any different than farming silk. It costs you nothing to kill that Defias mage, but you sell the silk for gold?

The only argument I could make against it is that if a vendor is truly camped, it makes it tough for someone to legitimately buy the recipe for themselves.