Wednesday, October 10, 2007

‘Hi, my name is LittleBlackKitty and I have an addiction.’

Typically, I first wake up in the morning at 7:00. This is when the alarm goes off and I hastily hit snooze. Don’t be mistaken. This is not when I get up. This is when I make sure that Mr. Tack has heard his wake-up call. After he gets out of bed this is when the good sleep starts. Can anyone deny that stretching across the whole bed produces the best quality sleep? I didn’t think so. So the kitties curl up on top of or beside me and we slip back into blissful dreams.

Moving forward. At 9:00 (eh, maybe a little after) I finally open my dreary eyes and get ready. After a quick shower and some necessary primping I head off to work. The goal is to make it there by 10:00 (give or take 10 minutes). Then I head over to my computer. Check for any urgent emails and then go grab some coffee.

Now it’s time. I launch Firefox > Bookmarks > Entertainment > BigRedKitty. First one on the list. There is almost always something waiting for us. Whoot. Usually it’s a letter from some level 70 hunter whose problems are about 15 levels ahead of us and the witty solution BRK provides won’t help us for quite some time…it doesn’t matter. We check his blog approximately once an hour for the duration of our workday. It’s this humorous ‘fix’ that gets us through the day. My fellow designer whose cubicle is behind mine probably wonders about me. “What is that girl up to?”

In fact, I just checked it now…nothing new. /sigh

I just can’t get enough of it. Is it the witty humor? The oversized ego? The kitty? Probably all of the above…but in addition I think it’s the knowledge I gain.

There are many people in the world (none of whom are reading this blog) that feel video games are not useful. They feel that video games are a waste of time, as they produce nothing…nothing tangible at least. Perhaps part of that is true. Do I play to relax and forget about my long day? Yes I do. Have I spent many a Saturday hermitted up in my apartment playing…when perhaps the laundry should have been done instead? Well of course.

But I think that games generally (and for me this game particularly) are much more than a way to spend aimless afternoons. It can become a hobby and a learning experience. I’ve increased my vocabulary, learned about strategy, and most importantly teamwork.

Anyways, this is my hobby and I love to study it. This is why I’m so hooked on BRK’s blog among others. For every piece of information that doesn’t pertain to me there is one that does. I may not be doing upper level instances yet, but I will someday and the content there won’t be a huge surprise when I get there. There is also a lot of content that is aimed at lower level players and I’ve benefited from all of it.

I think reading wow blogs and wow sites improves us as players in many aspects…not just the hunting ones.

Just checked his blog again.

Holy Hell...8 minutes until the new BRK WowInsider column.


Anonymous said...

Ah, you need to learn about RSS feeds. BRK has one, so you can get notified when he makes a new post! Woot!

Saerath said...

Sign me up for the BRK Anonymous meetings!! And having the RSS feeds takes all the excitement out of's like getting Christmas presents wrapped in saran wrap =P

Pike said...

I've gotten quite addicted to blogs lately (BRK is, of course, at the top of the pile.) I have my little list of bloglinks in my bookmarks that I routinely scroll through once an hour or so.

I'm that way over at Livejournal too (where I keep my personal "life" blog), I actually installed a Firefox addon that lights up a little icon in my browser when somebody updates. Yep, I'm that bad.

BRK said...

We hate RSS feeds too. If we could turn them off without outraging 99% of our readers, we would.

Very pretty blog, LBK. :)



Anonymous said...

And now BRK has added videos too! Sweet. I agree there is just something about this game that is different from everything else and learning how to play it better from others that play really well is way fun - and enlightening. Great blog LBK.