Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I’m not so sure about PUG’s.

Quite a long time ago Tack, Thegorke, and Catja started a guild. Originally we had a few people…enough to get the charter signed at least. Now it’s dwindled down to just us and our alts. There is actually one other person. They’re very mysterious though. They log in quite frequently but never seem to level up. Gold farmer?

Anyways, it’s been handy for situations for when we all want to talk, but aren’t in a group together. Other than that our guild is useless. I’m getting to the point where I need one. So the time has come to either start some sort of wild marketing scheme to get our attendance in the hundreds…or move on to greener pastures.

This whole subject has become relevant because I’m trying to get back into instancing. Friday night I did a PUG and ended up running around the Sunken Temple with a bunch of 15 year olds. /sigh

The whole experience was a disaster. I’d even call it a debacle.

First, we had no tank. There was one other hunter and so our pets were the tanks. Ok fine, I can live with that. This is, however, where the stupidity began. Throughout the entire instance we rarely had a “plan”. But occasionally the group leader came up with this. There are 3 mobs. The rogue zaps triangle, the group kills skull, and the pets attack square.

“Wait, what?” you say. My thoughts as well. So if everyone is attacking skull, but the tanks are attacking square…who’s skull attacking? I mean, if there is one thing a BM hunter needs to work effectively it’s their pet…so I spent about 6 seconds burning down square by myself and then assisted in finishing off skull. (I was about 5 levels higher than everyone else, so I was able to take down mobs by myself.) And when the group leader would present this plan I tried to explain that the hunters and their pet should work together…no response.

There were countless other problems and miscommunications that I’m not even going to get into. The one good thing I can say is that we never wiped…but that was because we were very overqualified for the instance.

Anyways, after we got in there and I realized it was a bad group I didn’t want to be a jerk and leave right away, which would ruin their fun…so I stuck around for about an hour. Then the rogue or someone had to leave and I grabbed the chance to get out as well.

So I’m in the market for a new guild.


Hexapuma said...

Hehe nice to hear that I am not the only one in the Swamp of PUGs.. however I do feel that it really adds to the game. You never know what you're going to end up with. Imagine going to the instances with the same group of people all the time... it becomes routine. Nah.. I love it when you get one or two wierd players :)

Frankie said...

OMG! I hate PUGS! But I have to agree with gorespike, PUGS add spice to WoW life. Although I would still take a guild run through a 5 man over a PUG in a heartbeat regardless of it being routine. I'm easy to please and can make my own entertainment if necessary!

loronar said...

I've been doing SM PUGs recently and I've found that generally people are kinda hesitant on stepping up as a leader. Even if someone does step up (group leader or not), sometimes they might be unsure of what they're doing and ask a question. I say if you think that you can do better leading the group, go ahead and step up. Try to make calls on the next mob and just maybe they'll listen to you.

Halfway through one of the SM instances, I realized the tank's calls were kinda iffy, so me being the hunter puller started making calls on who to pull. Yay big floating Hunter's Marks. :P

Unknown said...

PUG's build character. PUG's teach you skills that you just can't learn when you have that magical "perfect" group composition.

PUG's also cause cancer, global warming, sterility in sturgeon populations and boy bands.

I'm in a really good guild and can get into a group for just about anything, but I do like to go out and PUG on occasion to see if there any good locks or healers out there that need a new home.

But yeah, as painful as PUG's can be... when you get into a good one, it's very rewarding!

Hexapuma said...

One thing I see often in PUGs are healers squabbling amongst themselves trying to decide who does the dps and who does the healing. It always scares me when I am tanking ^^

Diana Sioux said...

PUGS ... yuck! On the other hand, as pelides said, sometimes they can teach you things that playing with people you're used to just can't. For instance, I'm still trying to figure out why the hunter I grouped for Shattered Halls with refused to use his pet 98% of the time, even though he was out and the leader asked us to off-tank with our pets. My poor little low-armor kitty had to tank alone while his high-armor pig stood quietly at his side. Hmmmm.